Day 121 of 365 Days of Being Thankful
Today I am thankful for not having a car today! Dan's car is in the shop and he had to take my car to work. I couldn't go to the gym!! I am so ecstatic about that! Hurray!! I meant to say ...."I am so bummed that I couldn't get to the gym to work out even though it is the most boring .....I mean most wonderful thing in the world!" I hope his car isn't ....I mean is finished tomorrow. Staying home and reading and watching TV is an enjoyable .....I mean mind numbing way to spend the day! Staying home and not being able to run errands is a relaxing and stressfree.... I mean an unproductive and stressful way to spend the day! Taking an afternoon nap is an exceptional way to recharge your energy....I mean is a waste of time and energy! Lying on the couch and reading is a fun and exciting way to spend an afternoon!....I mean is an uninteresting and lame way to spend an afternoon! ...