Day 148 of365 Days of Being Thankful

       I am still trying to catch up from being in the hospital.  Today I am thankful that we all went to Renee and Adam's house for dinner.  Olivia's boyfriend Frankie also met us at Renee's and ate dinner with us. I am just exhausted,  to have someone else prepare and cook hot food was beyond wonderful!  Adam grilled turkey burgers, hamburgers, and hot dogs.  Renee also made baked French fries, and corn on the cob.  Everything was hot and delicious!  I made and brought sugar free raspberry Jello with fruit and fat free whipped topping.  I have to watch what I eat for a few weeks until my stomach is back to feeling OK. We all had a lot of fun eating and chatting and laughing. I am so glad that my daughters get along and are close because that is what life is really about.  When I was in the hospital there was a white board in the room.  Olivia wrote a message to me...Love you, your Fav daughter Olivia, then Renee crossed out Olivia's name and wrote her name when she came to visit. Then when Olya came to visit, she crossed out Renee's name and wrote her name in the spot!

     I got a lot done today and I am so glad about it.  I ran my Roomba and then ran my Brava Jet mop. It still takes a lot of time because I have to move the throw rugs and wash them, and move all of the chairs out of the way! I am totally exhausted but I can't stand a messy or dirty house! Tomorrow I have to see my family doc to get checked out. We have the best family doc ever and I am thankful for his knowledge! He filled out all of the medical paperwork for us when we were adopting.  He was very supportive of both of our adoptions.  We had to take a notary with us to notarize his signature. Dr. Fox was very patient because we had to redo our paperwork several times!
   Today I had to make a ton of doctor appointments! I am thankful to be finished with that task! I have t get two more MRIs, one for my spine and one for my gastric area.  I hate being squeezed into that machine.  It is so noisy in there and I have claustrophobia! I will be thankful when those tests are over!


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