Day 357 of 365 Days of Being Thankful

I am thankful that we all had breakfast together and chatted.  I made French Toast and bacon, and had fruit and donuts and Danish.  I  normally don't really eat in the morning because once I start eating I keep eating!! Kat went for a run after breakfast and all she ate was fruit?  SHe LOVES to run, I LOVE to sit! Today Dan, Joe, Kat, Olivia, Olya, Frankie, Gabby, and Kaylee went on the train for an excursion into the city!  They went to the new WAWA in town.  Dan and Gabby both love trains.  Poor Gabby has a broken ankle, a kid fell onto her ankle at school. she gets around really well on her crutches.
  When they got back, we all opened gifts. The girls really loved their gifts, Dan got Gabby some type of circuit kit and she liked working on it.  I got Kaylee a few crafts and a Star Wars hardback book.  I am glad that she was reading the book and seemed to enjoy it a lot!
        Santa even visited our neighborhood last night on his sleigh! We could hear the fire engine sirens and the girls went running outside and got candy canes from Santa's helpers!! Usually Santa is ON the firetruck but this year, he as on his sleigh!  Kat and I kept watching Christmas movies so we had to stay up late to see the ending of the last one!!
Olivia gave me this FAKE lottery ticket!!

Artwork by Kaylee!!


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