Day 270 of 365 Days of Being Thankful

         Today I am thankful that I saw my pain management doctor.  She is really nice.  My second epidural shot was denied by my insurance company so she is going to submit for a different type shot.  I forget what she called the shot but I am willing to try anything. I have gone to PT, seen a physiotherapist, got a shot of cortisone, and got an epidural block shot and no relief yet!! I spoke to the doc about medical marijuana!  Some groups I belong to online have said that it helps.  I hope it comes in capsule form and I don't have to smoke it.
Her partner,  who gave me the epidural shot, has a license for dispensing medical marijuana.  My next appointment is with him  My doc told me it is very expensive but what is the price to be pain free? I am willing to pay whatever it costs.  I hope the shot gets approved by my insurance company and works and I get to be pain free or have less pain!

         I am also thankful that Olya is doing so well in college.  It is difficult to come from another country at age 10.5 and learn the language and catch up on all the work after learning the language.  Olya skipped a grade because Ukraine starts first grade at age 8, we start at age 6.  She was in 3rd grade in Ukraine and we put her in fourth grade after we adopted her. She was still a bit older than the other kids but not by that much! She always tells people we held her back, but we didn't, we pushed her ahead!
         My granddaughter Gabby is now playing the cello!!!  She probably has the family music gene(not from me by any means). Gabby is really good at math and that transfers to music! Joe, Amy and Renee were all musically talented. Amy made the PA State Orchestra and Renee made district and regional orchestra and,  district  and regional chorus Renee got the lead in the school musical Guys and Dolls and Renee was also voted most musical in her yearbook.


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