Day 229 of 365 Days of Being Thankful

         Today I am thankful that Renee took me to her country club yesterday.  We hung out at the pool, chatted and then had lunch there. Renee is going to join one of  their tennis groups. She, as well as Amy, were were varsity players in high school.  Renee played racquet ball in college so she still played with a racquet for four more years.  I think she will easily pick it up again. They also have a book club that Renee is going to join.  They are going to read Little Fires Everywhere.  My book club read that book and it was excellent!  I loved it and it is a great book for a discussion!   Dan and I never belonged to a country club but Adam grew up belonging to one and he is an avid golfer.  Dan doesn't golf or play tennis. I played tennis in my thirties but I always preferred playing indoors!  The country club was very nice! It was the first time I had been out of the house since my surgery and I was exhausted after a few hours.  But I was so happy and thankful to be in the outdoors and getting some fresh air.
         I am also thankful that I had Rosati lemon water ice today.
I opened the freezer and pulled one out, thinking it would be cherry or root beer. Dan and I usually buy root beer or cherry.  I am not sure how we wound up with lemon.  But it reminded me of my dad because lemon was his favorite! It is strange the things we associate with our lost loved ones.  I don't drink any coffee but I love the smell of coffee because that also reminds me of my dad.  He had coffee every morning and after every meal!  When I am out with my friends Jackie Carol, and Nancy, we reminisce about our childhoods!  I crack up every time!  Jackie's dad bought her a  bright shiny red coat one year and was thrilled with his purchase and with the color! Not so much thrill for Jackie! I think it was a raincoat but I am not certain about that.
  My dad bought me a Popeye schoolbag when I was in fourth grade.  He was thrilled with his, not so much!  It wasn't cool to have a Popeye school bag in 4th grade!  I tried to carry it backwards so no one would see the Popeye figure!
But our generation was very obedient and we would NEVER tell our parents we didn't like something they bought or did for us! We just smiled and said thank you.  My mother would have knocked my teeth out if I ever was not appreciative.
         Purging continues.  I filled two trash bags with trash and filled another bag with clothes from my closet.  I have not seen some of these clothes for years! A lot of them wouldn't fit and if I ever lost enough weight to fit into them, I would buy new!  I feel better and love that my closet is not stuffed anymore! I gave Olya some sweatshirts that still had tags on them!  I cleaned out the linen closet in my bathroom and I can now actually see and find items I need.  I purged all the meds that had expired dates.
         My sciatica is still really painful.  The cortisone shot didn't work. My friend Priscilla told me about a great PT that doesn't take insurance but is really good!  I think the visit is $600 out of pocket and I would gladly pay if I was sure he would get rid of my sciatica. Or I am thinking about going to a healer.  There was a TLC show with a healer named Charlie Goldsmith.  He seems to have rid people of pain.  I sent him an email but I hardly doubt he would see me, he probably has tens of thousands of people who want his services.  He does something with the energy in his body.  I googled local healers but I don't know anyone who used any of the healers in my area. So if anyone reading this knows of a healer, please let me know.  I normally don't go for any of this stuff but when you are in constant pain, you are willing o try anything to get rid of some of it!


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