Day 211 of 365 Days of Being Thankful

         Today I am thankful for TV!  My sciatica is in full bloom and I can't do too much/  I went to church and the cemetery yesterday but then I was down and out.  I am anal about having my house neat and clean but right now I don't even care about it! I am not supposed to take any aspirin ir ibuprofen because I am prone to pancreatitis.  The pain was so bad that I took half of a Motrin. i stayed on the couch most of the day and binge watched Law and Order SVU. The pain was too bad to even focus on reading my book. I am reading natural Causes for my book club and I am also going to start The Girl Before.  Next weekend is the local library book sale and I am excited about that!
Somehow I am able to eat through the pain.  I can hobble from the couch to he kitchen. My leg pain has not affected my appetite!! When I am sitting around doing nothing I tend to overeat, I think I eat from boredom and because the food tastes so good!
         Olya wanted to go clothes shopping today.  told her that she now has to pay for her own clothes.  I pay for clothes through the first year of college and then it is up to them.  Both Olivia and Olya have so many clothes that they can't fit them in their drawers and closets. I will still uy them clothes for their birthday and Christmas gifts but at age 20 and 21, it is time for them to start buying their own clothes.
        Last night Olivia's and Frankie's friends Jen and Cory came over. The four of them actually play card games and board games.
They were also playing Nintendo wii games. It was nice to hear their chatter and laughter!  It is so nice when your kids get to an age where their friends actually sit and chat and have conversations with you!  Right now my plate is very full but I am sure it will become less full as the girls get older. We seem to go from one event to another, vacations, birthday party, etc.  If I could only get rid of or decrease my sciatica leg pain, all would be pretty good in my world!



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