Day 200 of 365 Days of Being Thankful

Today I am thankful that Olya and I had a great time in Ocean City with her boyfriend and his family.            

We left home about 9 and stopped for food and gas along the way. We got to the hotel about 12:30 but couldn’t check in until 3.  Matt and Olya went to the beach and I hung out with his parents at their condo pool.  They are such a nice family.  After the beach and shower, we went back to their condo for Matt to open his gifts. Olya got Matt socks, shorts, cologne, and an Eagles shirt. I got Matt  a PSU jacket  Matt’s dad said Matt would love an empty box if it was from Olya. They didn’t know about Olya for awhile!  Matt got mono in the Fall and his mom told him that he had to tell anyone he was dating.  He then told her about Olya. I think Olya told me about Matt when they were “talking” whatever the heck that means.  We went to a fabulous seafood restaurant for dinner and were treated by Matt’s family. The food was great I went back to the hotel because of my sciatica.  Sciatica really is  interfering in my social life!  The rest of the group went on the boardwalk. Olya got an Ocean City shirt and caramel chocolate fudge. The fudge was so yummy. Matt's mom bought Olya nail polish that changes color in the sun!


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