Today I am thankful for the wonderful day I had on Sunday with my best friend Priscilla, and later with Dan. I got up and went to a flea market in a close by shopping center. I stopped at a Giant food store to get a flower for Priscilla's daughter's grave. I checked out and the male cashier asked me if I was Olivia's mother. He said and you have another daughter who was a year behind us, right? He graduated with Olivia. He asked me if she was still at Penn State, what she was up to, etc. I didn't expect that only because I was about 30 minutes away from home. He told me that he had to drop out of the trade school he was in because he was in a bad motorcycle accident and has a metal rod in his leg and pins and screws in his collar bone and shoulder. I am not a fan of motorcycles! I think they are so dangerous, especially because riders don...
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