Day 59 of 365 Days of Being Thankful

        Today I am thankful that a popular music star, Demi Lovato, has brought "mental health" out of the shadows and into the forefront as an important topic. She suffers from mental illness, she is bipolar. Mental Illness is a real illness and many people in America live with it and deal with it everyday. Millions of Americans face the reality of living with the illness.  Family and friends also are impacted by the mental illness of family members.   Someone close to me has suffered with PTSD from their childhood experiences. It is very painful for that person.  A lot of bereaved moms I know also suffer with PTSD. Sometimes therapy works, sometimes medication, and sometimes both things are needed. I know a lot of bereaved moms who suffer from anxiety and depression.  I am glad that Demi thinks it is important to  try to heal the emotional wounds of the survivors of the Florida school shooting.  Mentally ill people don't get better on their own, they need help.  People who suffer from clinical depression/anxiety are not choosing to be unhappy.


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