Day 55 of 365 Days of Being Thankful
Today I am thankful for all of the angels I have on a shelf above my couch. Most of the angels came from my sister-in-law Pennie. They are all in memory of Amy. She sends them at Christmas.
The middle doll is the AMY doll from Little Women. I had that long before Amy died. The doll dressed in blue is an AMY doll from Ashton Drake. Most of the other angels up there are from Pennie. Pennie lost her young adult sister many years ago so she knows that the grief is forever. I so appreciate that she never forgets about Amy. Some of the smaller Willow Tree angels I have been given by friends or I purchased over the years. Today Dan and I cleaned them and cleaned the shelf. I hope Amy can see them.
The middle doll is the AMY doll from Little Women. I had that long before Amy died. The doll dressed in blue is an AMY doll from Ashton Drake. Most of the other angels up there are from Pennie. Pennie lost her young adult sister many years ago so she knows that the grief is forever. I so appreciate that she never forgets about Amy. Some of the smaller Willow Tree angels I have been given by friends or I purchased over the years. Today Dan and I cleaned them and cleaned the shelf. I hope Amy can see them.
Some of the angels are musical and all of the musical ones still work On Amy's anniversary date two years ago, I purchased a large Carousel horse about the size of the Amy doll for Amy's grave. There were nine smaller carousel horses with it. I gave one of each of the carousel horses to my daughters and nieces and they chose names for the horses and wrote the names on the figurines. Renee and Erica chose the same name because it was the name of a character on a show that Amy loved. I think the name was Pru from the show Charmed. We never wrote a name on the large horse, which was musical. And it was stolen the first week it was there. I can't believe that some people would steal from a dead kid, but it happens. Years ago someone posted a video of teenage girls stealing flowers from a grave. It was for no reason other than to be destructive. People should realize that the things we leave for our loved ones are precious to us. No one ever removes things from other cemeteries. At my friend Debbie's son's grave she can leave stuff there as long as she wants and no one ever takes it. I don't know why anyone would think it is OK to steal.
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