Day 24 of 365 Days of Being Thankful

     Today I am thankful for our family doctor.  He is such a good doctor and a good person.  I think some of the ER staff must think that I have Munchausen  syndrome by proxy. It is is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child.  Olivia has been to the ER so many times! The first week she was in the U.S., Dan took her bike riding and she fell off the bike on a gravel path and opened the skin on her arm and elbow. She got kicked in the eye at cheerleading and had to go to the ER. Another time she lifted a girl too heavy and herniated several discs in her back. After she injured her back at cheerleading, the ER is a constant place we visit. Before her spinal fusion surgery, we were at the ER at least once a month.  Sometimes she would get admitted because her pain was so severe.  Because of the opioid epidemic in the U.S., hospital ERs are hesitant to give prescription pills for use after the visit.  They usually give a few pills on a prescription and then refer the patient to a specialist or their family doctor.
      Our family doctor got us a wonderful pain management specialist.  Whenever we have to wait a long time for an appointment, he intervenes and helps us get an appointment at an earlier date.  He also calls back whenever we leave a message and ask him to call. I appreciate that because it is rare that doctors call patients back anymore.
     A kind word, a thoughtful comment and an email or phone call are the things that mean so much to me.


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